Freelance Photographer - Albany, Western Australia.
Please check out the facebook page by clicking below. It contains all of the latest photos and information on real estate and aerial photography.
General Photography
'A picture is worth a thousand words'. Quality photographs to promote your product or service, or to simply capture moments in time.
The process starts with listening to the customer and discussing how best to achieve their goals. Then providing an efficient service with great attention to details, resulting in a selection of quality photographs.
Feel free to browse the galleries - you may just see something that you like!
Elevated Photography
Specialist equipment is used to show a unique perspective of your subject, or to demonstrate that your subject has more to them than can be perceived from a ground level photograph.
A view of a subject from above has always been useful. Elevated photography takes this to an extreme level, with subjects able to be viewed from heights of up to 20m.
At this height your subject can really be shown in perspective to the surrounds. Instead of merely showing the subject, elevated photography demonstrates how the subject relates to its environment and location.
*Subject to technical constraints including location of trees and powerlines
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